An Anonymous Group of hackers hack popular brands webpages like MacDonalds, Coca-Cola who breached the websites of extension, etc.
Anonymous Group hacker loaded the infected javascript code in third party plugin ‘’ and compromised the million of israeli websites.
On giving necessary permissions, the severe vulnerability can run code on the website which means it can make any changes in our site.
Hackers exploited it to replace the malicious code with an embedded link with the motives of corrupting webpages.
This leads to compromise of million websites of popular brands.
כל אתר ישראלי שמטמיע סקריפט של nagich "נפרץ" ומציע את ההודעה הבאה. ללמדכם לקח כמה הטמעת סקריפטים צד-שלישי זה מפגע תברואתי. נעםר וברזיק צדקו.
— Yuval Adam ⚡ يوڤال (@yuvadm) March 2, 2019