Everyone gets bored sometimes, no matter whatever you do. even a work that you like most in your life can get you bored if you do it frequently. what do you do when you get bored, I like to listen to music and to play games. but for us, I mean we are Hackers. all we use is Linux. well, mostly hackers use Linux. some of those use the virtualization environment and others use Dual Boot. actually, I use dual boot because I have a low specs PC.
That is a big problem if you want to play games. and the bigger problem is when you are using Kali Linux with root user. I don’t know about everyone but I use root. I don’t like to use sudo
before commands. keeping these things in mind, I found some very famous FPS Linux games under 1 GB.
Assault Cube
I think it is the game that can run even on the lowest specs PC that you were given by the government ( India ). It is just 50 MB in size. the best thing is it is a free multiplayer across all over the globe. With efficient bandwidth usage, it’s low-latency and can even run over a 56 Kbps connection.
It’s tiny too, weighing in at a lightweight about 50 MB package available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
I tried it myself. and I think it is a nice game according to its size.
Speed and movement are what Warsow is all about. Like a true cyberathlete you jump, dash, dodge, and walljump your way through the game. Grab power-ups before your enemy does, plant a bomb before anyone sees you, and steal the enemy’s flag before they know what is going on!
Our goal is to offer a fast and fun competitive first-person shooter without hard graphical violence – Warsow has no blood or guts flying around. Red circles instead of blood indicate hits and colored triangles replace guts as gib effects. We put a great emphasis on extreme customizability and e-sports features.
it is available for Linux as well as for mac and windows.
Believe me, you won’t find a better open-source FPS game than this one. with a size of 950 MB, it comes with lots of maps, game modes and guns. they even have this live chat via IRC on their website. Xonotic is an addictive, arena-style first-person shooter with crisp movement and a wide array of weapons. It combines intuitive mechanics with in-your-face action to elevate your heart rate. Xonotic is and will always be free-to-play.
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