here you can watch our video on this topic:



It’s important to understand that gitGraber is not designed to check the history of repositories, many tools can already do that great. gitGraber was originally developed to monitor and parse last indexed files on GitHub. If gitGraber find something interesting, you will receive a notification on your Slack channel. You can also use it to have results directly on the command line.


type this in your kali terminal:

git clone

this command will download the gitgraber.

now go to the downloaded folder and type this command:

chmod +x

now before running the real script we will need to generate a GitHub token. go to:


but for GitHub token, you will need to sign up there.

now go to the downloaded folder and open the and replace the first X with your token.

and also, type this command to install required python modules:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


type this command to see the help menu of gitgraber:

python3 -h

now we will try to gather some info for a domain:

python3 -k /root/Desktop/gitGraber/wordlists/keywords.txt -q ""

it is important that you specify a good keyword file. the tool already comes with a great keyword file.

this process can take a lot of time (depends on your internet speed).



Thanks For Visiting.


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