In this tutorial i will teach you to crack the RAR and ZIP file password. this topic won’t be long but it will give you a lot of knowledge.

it can be useful where you have forgotten the password of the RAR or ZIP file. And if you have downloaded a file from internet which is password protected and you dont know the password.

in my case i have a zip file from hackthebox misc challenge fsociety. you can download this file –

we need to find the password of the zip file which is in this file. the first file password is hackthebox.

So extract the rar file And then we can start.

TOOL- john the ripper


open you terminal and type:


It will open the GUI tool of john the ripper.


At the top right, you can see the option to open an file. Click on the second option.


Now select your file and press ok


Click on start attack

Now you should have the password




see the  help menu with this command

fcrackzip --help


type this command and replace the zip file with your file

fcrackzip -b -c a -l 6-10 -v -u /root/Downnlod/


here, -b stands for brute-force attack. -c is the key for char-set. like, we have input the "a" for example, it will use low char-sets. you can add numbers and capitol letters. -l stands for length of the password. -v is for verbose mode. -u is the main key. it try every password on the zip and it tries to unzip the file.


it can take more time then the previous tool.



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