Have you seen some tor websites have unique characters in their domain name? for example, Facebook has an onion domain facebookcorewwwi.<em>onion</em>. but how did they do it? because this domain too recognizable. when we create an onion website, the domain we get looks so complex. actually, it is a base32 encoded. this domain must have taken years to generate.  I have found a subreddit on this topic. READ HERE

Last year, in June, I taught you to create an onion website. we were creating a v3 onion hostname unconsciously. you can read that article from HERE. but in today’s article, we are going to use v2 onion domain. so, it is not necessary to read my previous article.


Tor Service

Linux System

Tor Browser

HTTP server (recommended: Apache server)



First of all, I would like to tell you the difference between v2 and v3 onion hostname. so, in v2 onion hostname, you will see 16 characters only but v3 has 53 characters long hostname. and v3 is much more secure than v2. it means that you can’t brute force it and generate the exact same keys. and it is the reason we are using v2 onion address. because we can brute force it.

Now, let’s create a v2 onion domain. I have distributed process in steps to make it easier for you guys.

• Open the torrc file which is in /etc/tor in any editor.


• Now paste the following lines at the end of torrc file.

HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/TOR_WEB2
HiddenServiceVersion 2
HiddenServicePort 80


So, the first line will create a directory named “TOR_WEB2” in /var/lib/tor. the second line is to tell tor that we want v2 hostname, default is v3. and third and last line is to start a service port on our hostname where we are using our local apache server.

• Now download Eschalot tool from Github.

git clone


• Before compiling it. you need to install CMake.

apt install cmake

• Run make command in the directory to compile it.


• Now you should have the binary file of eschalot. run it to see help menu.



• let’s leave it for now and start apache2 server.

service apache2 start


• After that, we will start Tor service.

service tor start


After turning on this service, you should have the TOR_WEB2 file in /var/lib/tor folder.

• Now generate any desired domain with eschalot tool. but let me tell you first that you can generate the desired domain. but it will ages if you replacing all 16 characters. So, my suggestion is to just add only three or four words as a prefix. To generate, Type this command:

./eschalot -t 100 -p hell

I am not showing you the full Screenshot because I don’t think it’s right.



Now that you have a private key and a hostname. you can replace these two with that hostname and key which is in /var/lib/tor/TOR_WEB2 folder.


After that, restart your tor service once and you will have the domain.




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