in this tutorial, we will discuss wordlists and how to create one.
a wordlist is a text file which contains users and password(generally). it can be useful at brute-forcing. by the way, if you haven’t read about wfuzz click here to know about it. because I have told there that how a website admin panel can be hacked with a brute-force attack, in which we used wordlists.
wordlist can contain a tons of text values. you can simply download it from this website or you can make your own one.
cwel tool and crunch
for this tutorial, I am using cewl tool. you can download it from GitHub. it a ruby based tool. so you must have ruby to run this program. you can just simply run this tool with
./cewl --help
    uses of cewl tool
extract words from a website
for an example we have our website( and suppose we have discovered its Admin login page. now you want to brute-force the login page. but you think that the admin’s password can be one of the text from the website.
now we will use this command to extract some words.
./crewl -m 5 -d 3 -w output.txt
in this command. the -m is to set the minimum length of words. -d is the tell the depth, its default value is 2. -w stands for save the output in a file. and at least, the website where we suppose to extract the words.
         uses of crunch
the basic syntax of crunch
crunch min max charset options
for example, we have a login page of the website. and you know some characters like “plea11” that is used in the real passwords and the password length was of 5 words.
now we can create tons of words.
type this command
crunch 1 5 plea11 -o output.txt
in this command, the minimum value of the password is 1 and the maximum value is 5.
-o is to save the words that are created by the crunch.
          advance uses of crunch
to play with words, not alphabets.
crunch 1 5 -p admin pass root 123 -o output.txt
we specify -p to tell the words(admin, pass, root) to the program.
to compress the output file
crunch 1 5 plea123 -o output.txt -z $
-z will automatically compress the file.
to add the first word in the wordlist
crunch 1 5 plea123 -s apple123 -o output.txt
-s will add “apple123” as the first word.
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