As you all know that hacking is growing day by day. But some people never get up from hacking their GF facebook account. if they try to move on from there, they are not able to think about what to learn or hack next. the thought of it makes them a weak hacker. There are some people who work hard and make the vulnerable machines, so that the hackers may hack it and learn something from it.

what is HTB?

HTB (hack the box) is a try for hackers to upgrade their hacking skills.there are lots of challenges and machines to penetrate. Makers of HTB provide it free and paid.

paid members get extra benefit. HTB has its own discussion on different topics.



how to get an invite code from HTB?

warning- spoilers ahead if you wanna hack it yourself don’t go down.

you might be on this page and wondering that how will you get an invite code? as you can see that there is something written over input.

like this:

it means, we have to hack the website to get the code:

step 1

go to the inspect elements by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+I. you can see js/inviteapi.min.js parameter that seems interesting.

step 2

go to the and look if there is anything to do with. you will see that there is makeInviteCode. we will use it in invite page console.

step 3

go back to invite page and open inspect elements and go to the console and just write makeInviteCode there and hit ENTER. you will see some kinda encoded code.

step 4

it is base64 encoded. go to

and decode it easily. it will give you some parameter that will give you invite code.

step 5

you can’t get anything by make get a request to so we will make a post request using curl.

type this command in your terminal

curl -XPOST <>

and you will get the invite code. but remember, a particular invite-code will work only for a particular IP. so you won’t be able to use anyone’s code.



thanks for visiting



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