I saw that Brute-Force on Facebook was the most viewed post of mine. so, I thought to make one more. As you know, some people these days make fake id’s on the various social media platform. and according to a survey, all those people who make fake id’s, keep their password simple and easy. and a Hacker can take advantages of this. he can easily hack it via Brute-Force method that I am going to show you in a minute. The brute-Force method is the easiest way to hack any Social-Media account. it works on hit and trial method.
And these days, it is very simple to perform Brute-Force, you don’t even need to make a Brute-Force script. because there are already many scripts, we can use. I am using the Social Box tool for this tutorial like before.
Before starting this tutorial, I would like to suggest you some of my previous Articles to revise so you may able to understand this topic better:
Brute-Force on Facebook Account
Both of these Articles are very important if you haven’t read it yet.
I have explained to perform Brute-force on the Facebook account and to install the social box on Kali Linux already so you can visit it, Click Here.
∗ fire up your terminal first.
∗ then go to the dir in which you have installed the Social Box.
∗ and type the command:
∗ and select from the following, no. 3 for Instagram
∗ now it will ask for the wordlist and username of the account. and after that, it will start tor service and attack.
2. Gmail
∗ fire up your terminal first.
∗ then go to the dir in which you have installed the Social Box.
∗ and type the command:
∗ and select from the following, no. 2 for Gmail or Google account.
∗after that, it will ask you for the wordlist path and email of the account. and when you will provide it email and wordlist. it will start the brute-Force.
3. Twitter
∗ fire up your terminal first.
∗ then go to the dir in which you have installed the Social Box.
∗ and type the command:
∗ and select from the following, no. 4 for the Twitter account
∗ after that, it will ask you for the username of the Twitter account and Wordlist.
∗ and it will ask for threads. you can leave it. and the script will choose 10 as default. once you do that it will start performing the Brute-Force attack on the Twitter account.
Warning: if I were you, I would never perform this attack on anyone except on myself.
It also teaches you that you should never choose a weak password. and believe me, check by this command if you have your password in rockyou.txt wordlist. because most of the Hackers use the rockyou.txt as wordlist:
cat rockyou.txt | grep <your password>
if the output has your password in clear words then you need to change your password.
Stay home, stay safe and keep reading our articles.
Thanks For Visiting.