well, some of you must have faced the problem of choosing an IDE for programming. by the way, I am not talking to an HTML developer. they just write the code on notepad.

let me be honest with you guys, I am not soo good in programming.

in this blog, we will see two different programming IDE. the first one is PYcharm and the second one is Visual Studio.



as the name sound “python” . but PyCharm’s smart code editor provides first-class support for Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, CSS, popular template languages and more. it is available for Windows, Linux, Mac.

And you can download it free for Linux.



Visual Studio Code


it is made by Microsoft.  some users may have heard about it before. because it is more famous than pycharm.

it is the same as pycharm but in low size. some people think that it is made for only visual basics. but here, you can work with  C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go, etc.

it is a good choice if you have a low specs pc.



my opinion- I would rather prefer the visual studio code than pycharm. although pycharm is more superior to the visual studio code. but I have a low specs pc, and pycharm took too many resources to run.

if you have a good specs pc than you can use pycharm.




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