why I had to use BackBox

it is senseless to discuss it here but you can read it if you like to put your nose in someone’s life.

so I was using Kali Linux, like two months ago. but it was giving the error “Something Went Wrong”. it used to stop after boot. by the way, if you know a method to solve this, comments us.

so I tried to reinstall it(Kali Linux). but it wasn’t able to install it because of my memory card.

TIP:- if you are getting an error during installing a Linux system make sure that your SD card is not old enough.

so I installed the BackBox with my Pendrive and I used it for 3 weeks.


if you want to know one line answer just go to the bottom of the article.

Kali Linux is Debian based but on the hand BackBox is Ubuntu-based OS. I saw that Backbox has some normal user applications like photo-editor and VLC media player. but it also has hacking tools. but you will only see limited tools in every category there.

In kali, there are some extra tools that a hacker needs for hacking. the similarity is that Kali and BackBox have Metasploit framework. but as I said kali has more tools, beef-framework doesn’t come in BackBox, why the way if you need a tutorial on beef, comments us. we will definitely post a blog.

The best thing I saw in Backbox is Anonymous Mode. it uses tor and other things. even you can change your hostname. it is so cool. however, you can do this in Kali Linux with some scripts.

ONE LINE ANSWER: Kali Linux is best for hackers.


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