If you have ever noticed about Pro Hackers, they use their terminal in all kind of tasks in such a way that a beginner(hacker) can’t. there are many reasons for being very handy while working on a terminal for a Hacker.

But mostly Pro Hackers use Tmux. because it gives you speed while working on big tasks on a terminal. For example, ippsec always use Tmux while doing CTF challenges. in every youtube video, he uses the Tmux to work with terminals.

In this article, I will teach you about the Tmux and Terminator. so, it may get easier for you to work with command lines in any Linux distribution.





It is an open-source project. it is developed in Java programming language. it is also available for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS besides Linux OS. People use it for its less complexability and user-interface. its main task is to split the terminal window( vertically and horizontally) easily. if you press right-click on the Terminator, it will show you the option of splitting windows.


As you can see the split windows of a terminal. but Terminator doesn’t come pre-installed in Kali Linux. you will need to install it. type this command to install the Terminator:

apt-get install terminator

This command will install the terminator. to open it, you can type terminator in terminal or it will be in Docks or in Apps after installation.


2. Tmux

Well, I think that it is better than the Terminator. and if you are running the Kali Linux, you don’t need to worry about its installation because it comes pre-installed with Kali. all you need to do is type this in the terminal and your ordinary terminal will become a professional Hacker terminal:



But you will have to learn some HotKeys to use use it properly. you don’t need to learn all of them but a few, given below:

∗ Ctrl + b c   -  to start a new window.

∗ Ctrl + b w   -  to see the opened windows.

∗ Ctrl + b d   -   to detach the  Tmux session. 

∗ Ctrl +b x    -   to close the current window. 

∗ Ctrl + b ,    -    to rename the current Tmux window.

∗ Ctrl + b %   -   to split the window horizontally

∗ Ctrl + b "    -   to split the window vertically

∗ Ctrl + b o    -   to go to the next panel

∗ Ctrl + b [    -   to scroll in window

∗ Ctrl + b [ <space>   -  to copy while scrolling(IMPORTANT)


Note – As you can see, I have left a space between b and other words or symbols. it means that you will press those buttons without after pressing Crtl + b . it means that you won’t press it with Ctrl + b, the other words will take a gap.


Believe me, Tmux is more useful than Terminator. but if you have just started Hacking journey, Terminator will be easier for you. though, it is all your choice what you want to use. by splitting windows, it will be easier for you to perform play with different terminals without opening an any-other terminal.

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