All I use is Kali Linux as an Operating System. and I am found of CTFs. But some times, I get stuck at some Windows boxes where it is not possible to solve the problem with Linux. For example, I was doing Nest (HTB) and I saw that I had to solve a visual basic script challenge. I tried to search for running Visual Basic on Linux but there was no success. It can only run in Windows which makes complete sense.

I asked Nitesh Sir for an RDP connection and later, he gave me an AWS account. it is another matter that I couldn’t do the box. because I had no knowledge of visual not even the basics of it. actually, I haven’t even print Hello World in Visual Basic.

But I faced some problems running the RDP on my sweet Kali Linux. then, I started to google about RDP on Linux. I found some tools. which were too complex to install. and some of those didn’t work perfectly for me.

After using tons of RDP tools, I saw a tool that was working perfectly. that’s the topic of today. we are going to learn how to connect with the RDP connection via Kali or any other Linux. we are going to use a tool named  Remmina. there is a little possibility that you might have already heard about it.



echo 'deb stretch-backports main' | sudo tee --append /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stretch-backports.list >> /dev/null
sudo apt update sudo apt install remmina remmina-plugin-rdp remmina-plugin-secret
  • This process can take some time to install all depends on your internet speed.

  • one more thing, if you are wondering why we used Debian repos here.  well, Kali is a Debian based Linux Operating System. But you will have to use the other repos according to your Linux distribution. otherwise, you won’t be able to install it.



I have an AWS account. I used AWS to create a Windows instance and it runs RDP itself. If you don’t have RDP. well, you don’t need to buy an account of AWS while you can just crack it. We have launched a cracking course, where we have taught RDP cracking along with Netflix or other premium accounts.

You can go check it out on our website:

If you have Windows on your Local network, you can just enable the RDP server on it. and then you can use it with remmina.  or if you have AWS but you don’t know how to create a Windows instance(RDP), You can watch our Video:


I have the IP and Pass of the windows RDP which I created from the AWS. now, I will try to login with my username, pass, and IP.

First, open up the terminal and type this command:


it will open the remmina tool.



After that, click on the new connection profile which is at the top left corner(plus symbol). and input the IP address of the server. in my case, I will use the AWS provided one. but it can be a local IP( too if you are running the Windows RDP server on your local network. then, type your username and password. and that’s it. now, you should have the RDP connection of your Windows in your Linux system.



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