yesterday, I was playing PUBG with my friends. then I got killed with a grenade. but the heart shaking earring was that it was my friend’s grenade. he intentionally killed me. then, I got an idea of performing SMSĀ  Bombing attack on my friend’s phone number. It was so funny that he couldn’t even figure out what I was doing with him. he asked me if I was doing something. but I refused to admit anything.

After that match, I thought that I should write an article on the SMS Bombing. that’s what we are going to learn to today. It is not a part of any hacking but you should learn it. maybe one day, it can be useful in some situation.

By the way, I am also going to tell you the process behind SMS Bombing. Because it is really important to learn about how things actually work. many people know about SMS Bombing but they have no idea how the SMS Bombing works. If you know how SMS Bombing works then you would be able to create your own python or some-other script.


How Does SMS Bombing Work

Have you ever forget your password of some website. websites like Apollopharmacy, Microsoft, Pharmeasy, Oyorooms can be used in SMS Bombing. because they send OTP to a phone number the phone number which is registered on their website. by the way, a number verifying system can be bypassed too with some cookies and headers. that’s what we are going to do in a minute.



Ā #Method 1.

In this method, we are going to use a website. which is very simple and straight.

āˆ—Go to this website:

āˆ—input the victim’s number in the Input Field


and press “Bomb” to start this attack. I saw that the website also provide call bomber. But it doesn’t work. you can try it too. and tell me if it works for you. there may be some Voip misconfiguration if call bomber doesn’t work.


Ā #Method 2.

In this method, we are going to use a Script. I found this on GitHub and that is the one, I used on my friend. it is a simple script to run. but there is a complex python Code behind it.

āˆ—Go to this GitHub page:

or you can type this command in your terminal:

git clone


āˆ—After that, go to the downloaded directory. and type this command:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

It will install all those requirements(python packages) that are necessary to run this python.

āˆ—Now, let’s just take a look at the python file. you can search(CTRL+F) for Flipkart in the script.

If you take a look deeply, you will see that there are some headers and cookies value. as I told you before, it is using headers and cookies for bypassing the phone number “verifying system”. Flipkart is not the only website this script is using. there are around 15 websites.

āˆ—Now just run the script, type this command:


you will have to use your country code. for India, it is +91. but typeĀ  91only, without plus symbol(+). then

it will ask for the victim number. now type the number of messages to send victim.

type 0 for unlimited messages. and then type 2 for delay of 2 seconds for each message.

and in the last, you will have to choose the threads. type 15, and hit Enter.

it will keep sending the SMS until you stop it by pressing CTRL+Z.


Stay home, stay safe and keep reading our articles.

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