A few weeks ago I taught you the basic concept of port forwarding. if you have no knowledge about port forwarding, you should go back to our previous post.

now that you have read about port forwarding, we can start.

so there are tools or applications that provide you the port forwarding with their static IP(domain). I am going to use two methods. both of the methods are the famous one and you can do port forwarding with these methods in mac/windows/Linux.


I am performing port forwarding on my Windows because I have just broken my Kali Linux.

but these methods allows you port forwarding in many operating systems.

if you are forwarding a local port just make sure that you have enabled you apache2 server on your localhost.

Method.1 – ngrok

ngrok is the best way to publish your website on the internet without any charges. ngrok gives you a web interface on your localhost. you can see a lot of information from there.    ngrok gives you free and premium services.


•go to

•download it for your operating system

•after installing, don’t forget to authenticate your ngrok account.

after signing up, you will get an auth token. use the toke with ngrok:

./ngrok authtoken <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>

for windows just remove the ./


here are some commands for free users:

access your website from anywhere:

./ngrok http 80


access a filesystem on HTTP:

./ngrok http "file:///c:/Users/Lucky"


access website with password:

ngrok http -auth="username:password" 8080


ftp,ssh,sftp… port forwarding:

ngrok tcp <port no.>


it is a great tool. it can be useful in many ways. you can use it in hacking a machine which is not on your network.

Method.2 –

it is a website that provides access to your PC from the Internet if you cannot set up port forwarding on your router, or your ISP doesn’t assign you a real IP address, or your IP address changes over time.


  1. go to the website and register with your email account:

2. create a configuration file then download it.

3. go to mapping rules to edit the file and map the ports as you need.

4. download OpenVPN and run the configuration file.

OpenVPN can be replaced by ssh.

it is done.



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